Six Questions for Building the Motivation, Mindset and Map for Wealth

Six questions to set you on the path to taking action…

Question 1: What are you missing out on in your life by not having the money you truly deserve? Write down all of the PAIN and WORRY you presently experience in your life, by not having the level of wealth you deserve …

Question 2: What will you get if you have true financial independence in your life? List everything out. What does your ultimate dream life look like? Where are you? What are you doing?

Question 3: How would you feel if your answers to the question above were your daily reality?

Question 4: Go to your ultimate life, now. Turn around and look behind you. What did you do to get there? What actions did you take? List out 3 things you did to reach it. If you can think of only 1…then start doing that.

Question 5: Why is it crucially important that you take action right now? What will it ultimately cost you if you do not equip yourself with the tools to make this a reality and take action?

Question 6: How would your wealth allow you to benefit the lives of those around you? Your children, your parents, your friends and family.